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Reading, decoding and motivating people

I have always enjoyed observing people and began analysing them at an early age. This is certainly one of the reasons why I enjoy my profession, which is above all a vocation, so much.

In the course of my life, the intersection in every field has been dealing with different people, which has presented me with exciting tasks as a graduate psychologist, Master of Business Administration (MBA), insurance salesman and state-certified tennis instructor.

How do I read people in order to build a relationship with them? How can I motivate someone based on their personality structure and contribute to their development? How can I support people to realise their full potential in a professional context?

Everything I pass on in my seminars and coaching sessions are my own experiences, experiences and processes, especially from practice, which have made me a successful profiler. Many people have accompanied me on my path and still do. Life is a constant change in which you grow together. You can learn to recognise this and use it for yourself. Whether as a manager, salesperson or recruiter - I developed the Profiling³ Methodology precisely for this purpose!


Psychologist & MBA


Stefan K. Gruber

General Manager at Trans Mobility KG

"I really enjoyed working with Oliver Vogelhuber. He is an asset for any workshop because he is able to convey the content to you in a practical way and convince you with his high professional competence. I am looking forward to working with him in the future."

Sebastian Pfläging

Managing Director

"Oliver Vogelhuber's seminars are highly professional and practical, comprehensive and perfectly geared to our sales and office staff, with sufficient space and time for exchanges and follow-up questions - this is evident from the consistently positive feedback from our participants."

Alexander Frank

Managing Director

"Oliver conducted a great seminar. He can adapt very well to the participants and get the content across with a lot of humor. At the same time, he teaches in a very practical and hands-on way. Oliver is a real added value for every salesperson and for those who want to communicate with other people. I can recommend Oliver Vogelhuber to anyone!"


Oliver Vogelhuber GmbH
Schirmgasse 273/274
84028 Landshut

Telephone: +49 (0)871 974 060 67
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